Welcome to this Clark Dietz video series, where I'll be talking with staff about how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting their life at work and at home. I'm Christine Ingaldson, the Marketing Communications Manager here at Clark Dietz. And I thought you might be interested in hearing how things are going at our various regions and office locations. I hope you'll stick around and enjoy hearing from these different perspectives.
In this interview, I'm speaking with Emily Basalla, PE, CFM, who is our Area Manager for Southern Wisconsin. The recording took place on May 15, 2020. If you'd like to skip around, timestamps annotating different topics are below.
0:50 - Working from home adjustments
1:41 - Managing staff virtually
3:02 - Client interactions
3:54 - Working in Wisconsin and Illinois
5:14 - Field work and construction projects
6:49 - Meeting with our summer intern
8:01 - Challenges for the communities we serve and funding
10:06 - Opportunities and positive outcomes
11:18 - Changes to the way we interact. Trusting your team
12:46 - Missing co-workers and seeing them in person